Managed Services for Siron® Compliance Solutions

Managed Services for Siron® Compliance Solutions

Managed Services for Siron® Compliance Solutions include the operation, administration, and maintenance of FICO Siron® systems, focusing on typical Business activities for FICO’s Siron® AML, KYC, Real-time transaction monitoring (Embargo) and other products.

Services included with the Managed Services for Siron® Compliance Solution:

Operational Support – Through our Managed Services our clients are provided with first and second level of support via our Helpdesk.

Application Support – As part of our Managed Services solution we provide best practices, respond to technical inquiries, and assist in solving configuration items such as Assistance in Scenario Testing.

Technical Health Check – Our team performs a macro level health check on the client’s AML application environment, identifies any issues and suggests solutions.

Performance Optimization – We aim to assure that the system performs on an optimal level. Therefore, if the system performance decreases, our team is there to identify the cause.
